Ido Monzon
I am an experienced Full Stack Web Developer, Applications Developer & Graphic Designer who is highly motivated and responsible, with a strong drive to continuously expand my knowledge and skills.
Full Stack
Blog site
A Secured blog with sign in and sign up system (native),
Enables users to create/edit/delete posts and add comments to posts,
Enables administrators to edit/delete all posts and many more...
E-commerce site
My final project is an E-Commerce site with add-to-cart, checkout page (with Paypal button) and custom made CMS (Content Management System).
The project uses the Laravel framework, that is based on the MVC design pattern (Backend), and the AngularJS framework (Frontend).
crm (customer relationship management)
A CRM system which is based on Angular 6 and Firebase real-time database, with secured sign in and CRUD operations.
WordPress business articles
A business site for a driving teacher, that is based on Wordpress.
Some changes in the theme's CSS and PHP were made, using a custom child theme.
Events manager
An event manager system that includes features such as:
Sending arrival-confirmation SMS, managing sitting arrangements, getting stats regarding the invitees,
Managing lists of gifts and expenses and many more...
The project uses the Laravel framework.
Android application
App to search recipes which use ingredients that you have at home.
Enables the user to save recipes and searches using Firebase database.
iOS application
App that reminds you that your documents will expire soon and might be renewed.
Enables the user to add attachments to each document, set custom times for reminders and many more.
The server side is written using PHP and the images are uploaded to Firebase Storage for better security.
Graphic Design
ADS in concepts
I was asked to choose some products and create a few advertisements regarding it, in different concepts;
Science Fiction, fantasy, cartoon etc.
I was asked to build a magazine in pagination (grid) based on a subject which I chose.
My choice was to build the magazine in a form of browser pages and it's subject was chocolate.
Driving theory website
A modern design for one of the most popular driving theory learning websites.
Web development - Mean Stack
MongoDB, Express, Angular 6, NodeJS, ECMAScript 6.
Applications development for Android & iOS (iPhone)
and to the iOS platform with the Swift language and the cocoa framework.
Web development & SEO - Full Stack
PHP 7, SQL(MySQL), xHTML(HTML 4), HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JSON, XML.
Additionally, I learned how to use and integrate some popular libraries and technologies in my projects;
Bootstrap, Sass, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJS.
Graphic design & PrePress
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign (by Adobe).
July 2017 - September 2017
- Mobile-First - Responsive Design
- Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
- Look at the product from the clients’ point of view
- Describe the base points of the project and understand how to get those done